ISTC begins a series of webinars on nuclear governance in Kazakhstan for the benefit of African countries participating in the EU SADC Project on Nuclear Safety
11 November 2021.
The ISTC – managed EU-funded Project MC 5.01 15B Support to the Southern African States in Nuclear Safety and Safeguards entered its second phase. In the context of the Project one of the most effective method of exchange of experience among international partners proved to be the study visits of representatives of the participating 16 SADC states to partner countries with leading positions in the nuclear field.
Last year the Nuclear Technology Safety Center, prepared a study visit by professionals from the participating African countries to Kazakhstan, one of the world’s biggest producers and exporter of uranium. Regrettably, because of the COVID travel restrictions, other means of communication had to be found for sharing of relevant Kazakh experience. A program for a series of webinars was elaborated, including presentations and discussion opportunity on the most substantial themes for the study visit.
The first of these event took place on 10 November 2021, featuring as presenters D-r Baurzhan Ibraev, NAK Kazatomprom, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board; and Daulet Baisaganov, Physical Protection expert, Kazakhstan. The topic to be addressed included: Uranium Industry of Kazakhstan. Main uranium deposits (mining), mining and transportation methods of U3O8. Transportation schemes.; Governmental Nuclear Security; Nuclear security regime of Kazakhstan; Provision of nuclear physical security during RM transportation.
Members of the Project Steering Committee and of the Experts Working Group as well as other participants in the Project activities attended the webinar, including the Heads of the nuclear regulators of Malawi – Victoria Kachimera, Zimbabwe – Justice Chipuro, and Zambia Dr. Boster Dearson Siwila. The comments made by the latter contained reference to the SADC Project regional report and recommendations, the elaboration of which he coordinates.
All participants in the webinar shared the opinion that the inter-regional exchange of experience in nuclear governance between Southern Africa and Central Asia is mutually useful and beneficial.