The training was concluded with a live demonstration with a vehicle on a 50 km-long test route on the 5th day of the training. A route was predefined (Harare – Glendale) for the test drive with 7 stop points with accurate geographical coordinates. The trainees followed the vehicle in real-time and mimicked a real shipment along the 50-km long route.

The test scenario included:

  • Creating shipment of two trucks, each of them equipped with a GPS tracker.
  • Setting a shipment route with several route points
  • Passing a border point simulation
  • Simulated Incident during transportation
  • Collaboration between mobile application and the web system
  • Dividing the students into two groups – drivers and administrators
  • Communication between the participants in the shipment in ITS chat system

All the expected goals have been achieved.

Here are some photos taken during the real-time demonstration: